


  • Chapter 18
    • 18.1: A Stellar Census
      • Learning Objectives
        • Explain why the stars visible to the unaided eye are not typical
        • Describe the distribution of stellar masses found close to the Sun
      • A stellar census is hard because
        • We may not count all inhabitants
        • Our local neighbourhood may not include all possible types of stars
    • 18.2: Measuring Stellar Masses
      • Learning Objectives
        • Distinguish the different types of binary star systems
        • Understand how we can apply Isaac Newton's version of Johannes Kepler's third law to derive the sum of star masses in a binary star system
        • Apply the relationship between stellar mass and stellar luminosity to determine the physical characteristics of a star
    • 18.3: Diameters of Stars
      • Learning Objectives
        • Describe the methods used to determine star diameters
        • Identify the parts of an eclipsing binary star light curve that correspond to the diameters of the individual components
    • 18.4: The H-R Diagram
      • Learning Objectives
        • Identify the physical characteristics of stars that are used to create an H-R diagram
          • Describe how those characteristics vary among groups of stars
        • Discuss the physical properties of most stars found at different locations on the H-R diagram
          • Such as radius, mass, etc.