book Farnam Street The Great Mental Models
The Great Mental Models: General Thinking Concepts
- "The quality of your thinking depends on the models in your head."
- Mental models help identify information relevant to any situation
Acquiring Wisdom
- Volume One contains general thinking concepts
- Used to improve our understanding of the world we live in
- Used to improve our ability to see situations through different lenses
- Not every model applies to every problem
- We are our biggest barriers to learning as we move through life
- Three reasons this can happen:
- We don't have the right perspective
- We must be open to other perspectives to truly understand the result of our actions
- Ego-driven denial
- We often fear getting our ideas criticized
- When our ideas are criticized, we often defend instead of upgrade our ideas
- We are too far from the consequences of our decisions
- We don't have the right perspective
- Three reasons this can happen:
- Simple ideas help us prevent complex problems
- The world is smarter than we are --> seek its feedback
- Our ego is friend and enemy
The Map is not the Territory
- Even the most accurate maps have mistakes
- They are reductions of the world; an abstraction
- A map's structure may be similar or dissimilar to the territory
- The only way we can navigate through reality is by abstraction