- Analyses of knowledge
- Guiding questions
- Necessary and sufficient conditions
- Necessary condition (Necessity)
- Condition for something, F, is a condition that must be met in order for F to be present
- Sufficient condition (Sufficiency)
- Condition for something, F, is a condition that, if met, guarantees that F is present
- Complete set of necessary conditions together constitute a sufficient condition for F
- Entire set --> individually necessary and jointly sufficient
- Often used to analyze important philosophical concepts
- Plato defined knowledge as justified true belief
- Edmund Gettier objected to the standard model
- Analyzing justification
- Infinite regress]] problem
- Majority of our beliefs depend on other beliefs for their justification
- This ends up being a vicious infinite regress
- Solutions:
- Foundationalism and coherentism are interpreted as internalist (interalism)