A list of things from around the web that I want to read. For my horrendously large book list, check GoodReads.
Have you read something interesting lately? Share it with me!
- Economics of Innovation: Detailed Reading List
- The Fraying of the US Global Currency Reserve System
- In Praise of the Gods - The Map is Mostly Water
- A step-by-step guide of how I would build a SaaS company right now - part 1 : startups
- Mastering Metacognition
- Binary Heaps and Priority Queues via JavaScript
- The Linux Directory Structure, Explained
- What the fuck is a closure? ・ Dan’s JavaScript Glossary
- 100+ Good Quality Questions Organized by Category
- Systems design for advanced beginners
- Rust explained using easy English
- Essays on programming
- Finding Shortest Paths using Breadth First Search
- React Reconciliation?. Let’s talk Reconciliation!
- Emergency on Planet Earth
- 6 ways to improve your debugging skills
- Your Circuit Breaker is Misconfigured – Shopify Engineering
- 10 grand challenges we'll face by 2050 - BBC Future
- The Internet explained from first principles
- To design and develop an interactive globe
- What will drive computer performance after Moore's Law?
- What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory alt link
- What it takes to run Stack Overflow
- A survey of git best practices
- Edgar: Solving Mysteries Faster with Observability
- Dealing with Impostor Syndrome
- Guide to Web Authentication
- How Discord Handles Two and a Half Million Concurrent Voice Users
- Good sleep, good learning, good life
- Rust meets the web
- Lifetimes in Rust
- The Man Who Carried Computer Science on His Shoulders
- Why Rust is the Future of Game Development
- What Gödel Discovered
- The myth of the decentralized internet
- How do Spotify Codes work?
- What is Amazon?
- Why books don’t work
- Why books work: A rebuttal to Andy Matuschak
- Roger Federer as Religious Experience
- The American Scholar: Solitude and Leadership
- Humanity is stuck in short-term thinking. Here’s how we escape.
- Meditations On Moloch
- How Netflix Scales its API with GraphQL Federation
- Ask HN: What's the best paper you've read in 2020?
- 2020 AI Alignment Literature Review and Charity Comparison
- Lost Last Days of David Foster Wallace by David Lipsky
- 10 Engineering Challenges Due to the Nature of Mobile Applications
- The Floating-Point Guide - What Every Programmer Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic
- How Web Apps Work
- Web APIs and the n+1 Problem
- Postgres: The batteries included database
- That XOR Trick
- Game Design Perspective: Stardew Valley
- Making GitHub’s new homepage fast and performant
- Best practices for REST API design
- Space junk removal is not going smoothly