Usually done in place with $O(log(n))$ stack space
Average Time
$O(n log(n))$
Pick an element to be the pivot point
Reorder list
All elements with value less than pivot come before the pivot
All elements with value greater than pivot come after the pivot
Pivot is in its final position
Recursively apply above steps to sub-list of elements with smaller values and greater values
functionquickSort(array, lowIndex = 0, highIndex = array.length - 1) {
// partitionArray operates on the subarray between lowIndex and highIndex (inclusive)// Partially sorts subarray into elements less than pivot and elements greater than or equal to pivot// Each time it is executed, pivot element is in iits final sorted positionconst partitionArray = (lowIndex, highIndex) => {
// Swap two elementsconst swap = (leftIndex, rightIndex) => {
const temp = array[leftIndex];
array[leftIndex] = array[rightIndex];
array[rightIndex] = temp;
// Arbitraily pick last element as a pivot pointconst pivot = array[highIndex];
let partitionIndex = lowIndex;
for (let currIndex = lowIndex; currIndex < highIndex; currIndex++) {
if (array[currIndex] < pivot) {
swap(partitionIndex, currIndex);
// Element at partitionIndex must be greater than or equal to pivot// Elements to the left are less than pivot// Swapping pivot with partitionIndex places pivot in final sorted position
swap(partitionIndex, highIndex);
return partitionIndex;
if (lowIndex < highIndex) {
const partitionIndex = partitionArray(lowIndex, highIndex);
quickSort(array, lowIndex, partitionIndex - 1);
quickSort(array, partitionIndex + 1, highIndex);
return array;