
wgu Course computer science

D281 - Linux Foundations

Linux Foundations prepares learners for the LPI Linux Essentials certification, and is an introduction to Linux as an operating system as well as an introduction to open-source concepts and the basics of the Linux command line. Learners will gain skills in identifying the fundamentals of open-source software and to develop resources for data access and security.


What is Linux?


    • Free/Libre/Open Source Software
    • Libre is all about freedom; do what you want
  • FOSS
    • Free and Open Source Software
  • Open source
  • FSF
    • GNU came from this
  • Licenses range from permissive to more restrictive (copyleft)

Operating systems

  • Linux distributions
    • Bundling of software (web browser, email client, package manager, etc.) to make a useful system
    • Run the Linux kernel
      • Kernel is like an air traffic controller, applications are the airplanes
      • Kernel decides which program gets which block of memory, starts/stops applications, handles displaying text, etc.
      • Abstracts things away for applications to access them (eg. writing to storage)
    • Debian based
      • More community focused than some other distros
      • Ubuntu + Ubuntu variants
        • Most popular Debian distro
      • Any .deb based systems
    • Red Hat based
      • RHEL
        • Red Hat Enterprise Linux
      • Fedora
        • Shorter release cycles than RHEL
      • CentOS
        • Recompiles RHEL and gives them away for free
        • No paid support like RHEL
      • RPM (Red Hat Package Manager) based systems
    • Other
      • Arch
      • Slackware
      • SUSE
        • Derived from Slackware
      • Android
        • Most popular Linux distro
        • Uses Dalvik virtual machine
          • Provides a good platform for mobile devices
        • Lacks typical packages like GNU so incompatible with desktop Linux distros
      • Embedded systems
      • Linux From Scratch
        • Teaches you to build a distro from the ground up
  • In Linux, file extensions are only useful to the user, the OS ignores them

Decision points

  • Role
    • Desktop vs server
  • Function
  • Life cycle
  • Stability
  • Compatibility
  • Cost
  • Interface


  • Life cycle
    • Distros are broadly enthusiast or enterprise
    • Enterprise distros are stable, have good support, regular releases, etc.

Working in Linux

Major applications

  • Typically three categories of software
    • Server applications
      • No interaction with I/O (monitor, keyboard)
      • Interacts with other computers
    • Desktop applications
      • Users directly interact with them
    • Tools
      • Make it easier to manage computer systems

Server applications

Email servers

  • Mail Transfer Agent (MTA)
    • User to transfer messages to other systems
  • Mail Delivery Agent (MDA)
    • Sorts the email in a user's mailbox
    • Invoked from the final MTA in the chain
  • POP/IMAP server
    • Post Office Protocol (POP) and Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) allow email clients to get emails from email servers

File sharing

  • Samba
    • Windows-centric
    • Allows a Linux machine to share files and work on a Windows domain
  • Netatalk
    • Allows a Linux machine to perform as an Apple Macintosh file server
    • Network File System (NFS)

Desktop applications

  • Email
    • Thunderbird
    • Evolution
    • KMail
  • Creative
    • Blender
    • GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program)
    • Audacity
  • Productivity
    • LibreOffice

Console tools


  • Accepts commands from a user and passes them to the Linux kernel to execute
  • Provides a language for interacting with the environment
  • Two main shell families:
    • Bourne shell
    • C shell
  • More modern shells:
    • Bourne Again Shell (bash)
      • Default on most systems
    • tsch

Text editors

  • Fully featured:
    • vi/vim
    • emacs
  • Simpler:
    • pico
    • nano

Package managers

  • Adding, updating, or removing packages usually requires administrative access


  • .deb extension
  • dpkg
    • Lower level tool for managing Debian packages
  • apt-get
    • Advanced Package Tool
    • Frontend for dpkg
    • Makes management of packages easier


  • Standard package management system according to Linux Standards Base
  • .rpm extension
  • rpm
    • Backend to the package management system
    • Install, update, query, or remove packages
  • yum and up2date
    • Frontends for RPM
    • Automate resolving dependency issues

Linux in the cloud

  • Powers 90% of the public cloud workload
  • Most virtual servers are based on some version of the Linux kernel
  • Why is Linux uniquely suited for the cloud?
    • Flexibility
      • Modular design
      • Huge ecosystem
    • Accessibility
    • Cost-effective
      • Power efficient operating system
      • Kernel is completely free (as are many applications)
    • Manageability
      • Very widespread, lots of talent in the industry know how to use Linux
      • Can be managed by automated programs
    • Security
      • One of the most secure and reliable operating systems
      • Open source lends itself to security vulnerabilities being discovered and fixed quickly
    • Virtualization

Open source software and licensing

  • Open source users have a right to obtain the source code
  • Increases accountability for bugs, security vulnerabilities, and compatibility issues
    • Becomes a shared responsibility


  • Three components
    • Ownership
    • Money transfer
    • Licensing
  • End User License Agreement (EULA)
    • Legal document that must be accepted to install software
  • GNU General Public License v2 (GPLv2)
    • Source code must be made available to those who ask
    • Anyone can make changes to the code
      • If you distribute your changes, they must also be GPLv2 licensed
    • No one can charge for distributing the code
  • Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD)
    • Simpler than GPL
    • Can redistribute source/binaries if you maintain copyright notices and don't imply original creator endorses your code
      • "Do what you want, don't take credit"

Creative Commons

  • Tries to carry the intentions of FOSS licenses to non-software things
  • Available conditions:
    • Attribution (BY)
      • Creator must be given credit even if they don't endorse the use
    • ShareAlike (SA)
      • Can copy, distribute, perform, and modify if they do so under the same terms
    • NonCommercial (NC)
      • Can't do anything commercially with the work
    • NoDerivatives (ND)
      • Creator must provide permission to modify
  • Licenses
    • Attribution (CC BY)
      • Similar to BSD
      • Can use the content in any way but must give credit to the creator
    • Attribution ShareAlike (CC BY-SA)
      • Copyleft version of Attribution
      • Derived works must have same license
    • Attribution NoDerivs (CC BY-ND)
      • You can redistribute but cannot modify
    • Attribution NonCmercial (CC BY-NC)
      • CC BY but can't use it for commercial purposes
    • Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA)
      • CC BY-NC + changes must be shared under the same license
    • Attribution NonCommercial NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND)
      • Sharing can be done for non-commercial purposes, no modifying
    • No Rights Reserved (CC0)
      • Creative Commons version of public domain

Command line skills


  • Local variables
    • Only exist in the current shell
      • When closing the shell, variables are lost
    • Can't affect other commands/applications
  • Environment variables
    • Also called global variables
    • Examples: PATH, HOME, HISTSIZE
    • env outputs environment variables
  • export turns a local variable into an environment variable
    • Remove exported variables with unset
  • PATH variable
    • Contains a list of directories that the shell will look in to find commands

Command types

  • type allows you to check a commands type
  • Internal commands
    • Built-in to the shell
    • Eg. cd, echo
  • External commands
    • Binary executables stored in directories
    • Eg. ls, cal
    • Using the which command will tell you where the shell is running that command from
  • Aliases can be created with alias name=command
    • Shorten commands you commonly run
    • type will identify when a command is an alias


  • Double quotes
    • Prevent the shell from interpreting meta characters, including glob characters
    • Allow for command substitution and variable substitution
  • Single quotes
    • Prevents the shell interpreting meta characters, glob characters, variables, and command substitution
  • Backslash
    • Can be used to stop the shell from interpreting a character
  • Backticks
    • Used to specify a command within a command (command substitution)

Control statements

  • Semicolon ;
    • Used to run multiple commands, one after another
    • Each command runs regardless of the result of the previous command
  • Double ampersand &&
    • Logical "and" operator
    • Only if the previous command succeeds will the next command run
  • Double pipe ||
    • Logical "or" operator
    • Only if the previous command fails will the next command run

Helpful commands

  • uname
    • Lists information about the current system
    • -n/--nodename will give the node name
  • history
    • View your command history
    • Param is a number of how many history items you want to see (eg. history 5)

Getting help

Man pages

  • Use man -f <command> to search man pages by name
    • Allows you to see when there are different man pages with the same name (eg. for passwd)
    • whatis often does the same thing
  • Use man -k <command> to search man pages by name and description
    • apropos often does the same thing
  • Sections
    • Name
      • Name of the command and a brief description
    • Synopsis
      • Examples and shows how to execute the command
      • Square brackets indicate something is optional
    • Description
      • Detailed description of the command
    • Options
      • All options for the command listed with descriptions
    • Files
      • Lists files associated with the command
    • Author
      • Name of the author
      • Sometimes includes contact info
    • Reporting bugs
      • Details how to report bugs
    • Copyright
      • Provides copyright information
    • See also
      • Helps find additional information related to the command
  • Searching a man page
    • Use / to search through man pages
    • Press n to move to the next match
    • Press SHIFT+N to move to the previous match
  • Category sections
    • Man pages are split into various sections
    • Next to the command you'll see a number (eg. CAL(1)) that identifies the category
    • Sections:
      1. General commands
      2. System calls
      3. Library calls
      4. Special files
      5. File formats and conventions
      6. Games
      7. Miscellaneous
      8. System administration commands
      9. Kernel routines

Finding stuff

  • locate
    • Searches a database of all files/directories
      • The database is generated ~nightly
      • Can manually update the database with updatedb
    • -c shows how many files/directories match the search term
    • -b only includes listings that have the search term in the base name of the filename
    • \ in the search term only outputs filenames that exactly match
  • info
    • Documentation with an organizational structure
    • More conducive for learning vs man pages which are more reference


  • Directories are files
    • They store the names of the files within them and the inode number for where that file is on disk

Home directory

  • /home
  • When opening a shell, users are automatically placed in their home directory - They have full control to create/modify/delete files and directories here
  • ~ is an alias for a user's home directory - ~<username> will take you to a specific user's home directory

Listing files and directories

  • ls
    • -a shows hidden files
    • -l lists metadata for the files/directories
    • -h shows the file size in a human-readable size
      • Must be used with -l
    • -d refers to the current directory
      • Not really useful without -l
    • -R performs recursive listing
    • -S sorts by file size
    • -t sorts by timestamp
    • --full-time will list complete timestamps
    • -r reverse the sort
  • The ? can be used to match exactly 1 character in a name
    • eg. ls -d /etc/???? - list all files in /etc that are exactly 4 characters long
  • [ ] can be used to match any character from a set
    • eg. ls -d /etc/[abcd]* - display all files in /etc that start with a, b, c, or d

Long listing

**sysadmin@localhost:~$** ls -l /var/log/
total 900                                                                       
-rw-r--r-- 1 root   root  15322 Dec 10 21:33 alternatives.log
drwxr-xr-x 1 root   root   4096 Jul 19 06:52 apt
-rw-r----- 1 syslog adm     371 Dec 15 16:38 auth.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root   root  35330 May 26  2018 bootstrap.log
-rw-rw---- 1 root   utmp      0 May 26  2018 btmp
-rw-r----- 1 syslog adm     197 Dec 15 16:38 cron.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root   adm   85083 Dec 10 21:33 dmesg
-rw-r--r-- 1 root   root 351960 Jul 19 06:52 dpkg.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root   root  32064 Dec 10 21:33 faillog
drwxr-xr-x 2 root   root   4096 Jul 19 06:51 journal
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root   utmp 292584 Dec 15 16:38 lastlog
-rw-r----- 1 syslog adm   14185 Dec 15 16:38 syslog
-rw------- 1 root   root  64128 Dec 10 21:33 tallylog
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root   utmp    384 Dec 15 16:38 wtmp
  • File type
    • First character of each line
    • Types of files:
      • d - directory
      • - - regular file
      • l - symbolic link
      • s - socket
        • Allows for communication between processes
      • p - pipe
        • Allows for communication between processes
      • b - block file
        • Used to communicate with hardware
      • c - character file
        • Used to communicate with hardware
  • Permissions
    • Next nine characters
  • Hard link count
    • How many hard links there are to the file
  • User owner
    • Every file is owned by a user account
    • Owner can set permissions on the file
  • Group owner
    • Which group owns the file
    • Any member of a group inherits the permissions to the file
  • File size
    • Size of file in bytes
    • For directories, how many bytes are reserved to keep track of the filenames in the directory
      • Not useful for directories
  • Timestamp
    • When the contents were last modified
    • For directories, when a file was added/removed
  • File name

Archiving and compression

  • Archiving
    • Combine multiple files into one
  • Compression
    • Make files smaller by removing redundant information
    • Two types:
      • Lossless
      • Lossy
  • gzip
    • Most common Linux tool used for compression
    • -l provides info about the compression
      • Compression ratio shows how much the file was reduced
    • Uses the Lempel-Ziv data compression algorithm
  • gunzip
    • Used to decompress
    • Same as gzip -d
  • tar
    • tar -c [-f ARCHIVE] [OPTIONS] [FILE...]
    • Used to archive files
    • Short for TApe aRchive
    • Has three modes:
      • Create
        • Make a new archive
      • Extract
        • Pull one or more files out of an archive
      • List
        • Show contents of an archive witout extracting
    • Options
      • -c (create mode)
        • Create an archive
      • -t (list mode)
        • List files in an archive
      • -x (extract mode)
        • Extract files from an archive
        • -v
          • Verbosely list processed files
      • -f ARCHIVE
        • Specify the archive file to operate on
      • -z
        • Compress/decompress using gzip
      • -j
        • Compress/decompress using bzip2

Working with Text

  • cat
    • Useful for creating and display text files
  • less
    • Default pager for commands like man
    • More advanced that cat
    • Search
      • Forward: / then Enter
      • Backward from current position: / then ?
      • Moving through matches:
        • Forward: n
        • Backward: Shift + N
  • more
    • Less features than less but always available
  • head/tail
    • Display the first/last ten lines of a file
  • sort
    • Sorting
  • wc
    • Prints file statistics
  • cut
    • Extract columns from a file or STDIN
    • Usually used for delimited databases files (eg. csv)
  • grep
    • Filter based on a specified pattern

Pager movement commands

SpacebarWindow forward
BWindow backward
EnterLine forward

Input/Output redirection

  • STDOUT 1> or >
  • STDERR 2>
  • Both STDOUT and STDERR &>
  • STDIN <

Regular expressions

  • .
    • Single character
  • [ ]
    • A list or range of characters to match one character
    • If ^ is the first character then it means any character not in the list
  • *
    • Previous character zero or more times
  • ^
    • If it is the first character in the pattern --> pattern must be at the beginning of the line
  • $
    • If the last character in the pattern --> pattern must be at the end of the line
  • ?
    • Matches previous character zero or one time
  • +
    • Matches previous character one or more times
  • |
    • Logical "or"

Where data is stored


  • Info provided by pseudo filesystem under /proc
    • Also contains info about system hardware and current kernel config
  • Hardware devices through files under /dev
    • Information about those devices provided by pseudo filesystem under /sys
  • Pseudo filesystems appear to be real files on disk but only exist in memory
  • ps aux
    • View all running processes
    • a -- all processes, not just for the current user
    • u -- display detailed user-oriented info
    • x -- all processes (extension of a including ones without a controlling terminal

Network configuration

IP addresses

  • IPv4
    • Four 8-bit numbers
    • Limited to ~4.3 billion addresses
  • IPv6
    • 128-bit addresses
    • Much larger address pool that won't start running out like IPv4

Network config files

  • /etc/hosts
    • Table of hostnames to IP addresses
    • Used to supplement a DNS server
  • /etc/resolv.conf
    • IP addresses of name servers system uses to resolve names of IP addresses
  • /etc/nsswitch.conf
    • Used to modify where hostname lookups occur

Network tools

  • ifconfig
    • Interface configuration
    • Used to display network configuration information
    • Can be used to temporarily modify network settings
  • ip
    • Replacing ifconfig in some distros
    • One-stop shop for configuration and control of networking
  • route
    • Show what routing devices are available on the network
  • ping
    • Used to determine if a machine can be reached
  • netstat
    • Provides network information
    • Can display routing table similar to route
  • ss
    • Shows socket statistics
    • Find what connections are currently established between local and remote machines
    • Similar to netstat
  • dig
    • Queries DNS server to determine if info needed is available
      • eg. dig example.com --> can example.com get resolved?
    • Can use +trace to show entire resolution process
  • ssh
    • Used to connect to another machine across the network
    • If you don't provide a username it will use the username you are currently logged in as

System and user security

  • Users belong to at least one group
  • Root account is disabled on Ubuntu
  • sudo
    • Execute commands as another user
    • root is assumed by default
    • Prompts for a user password initially and then every time a command is run >5 minutes apart
  • su
    • Switch user
  • /etc/passwd
    • Defines account info for user accounts
    • Contains the following data for each user:
      • Name
      • Password placeholder
      • User ID
      • Primary group ID
      • Comment
      • Home directory
      • Shell
  • /etc/shadow
    • Contains account info related to user's password
    • Passwords are encrypted and cannot be read
  • /etc/group
    • Defines supplement group membership for users
    • Contains the following fields:
      • Group name
      • Password placeholder
      • GID
      • User list
  • id
    • Print user and group info for a specified user
  • who
    • Displays a list of users who are logged in
    • Contains the following fields:
      • Username
      • Terminal
      • Date
      • Host
  • last
    • Reads entire login history from /var/log/wtmp
    • Displays all logins and reboot records by default

Creating users and groups

  • Some distributions automatically create a group account for the user (User Private Group)
    • Name of group matches username
    • User is the only one in the group
  • If the distribution doesn't make a group for the user then they usually have the users group as their primary group
  • groupadd
    • Used to create a group
    • -g allows you to set the group ID
      • Need to consider user IDs if setting the group ID
    • Group name considerations
      • Start with a-z or _
      • Ideally <16 characters, never more than 32
      • After the first character you can user alphanumerics, -, or _
      • Last character should not be a -
  • groupmod
    • Change the name (-n) or GID (-g) of a group
    • Any files associated with a group when you change the GID will no longer be associated with any group name (only the old GID)
      • You can find orphaned files by searching with find / -nogroup
  • groupdel
    • Delete a group
  • useradd
    • Add users
    • -D view or change some default values (also stored in /etc/default/useradd)
      • Group
        • Default primary group
        • If not specified, usually 100 which is the users group
        • -g option on the CLI
      • Base
        • Default base directory for the user's home directory
        • -b option on the CLI
      • Inactive
        • Number of days after password expires that the account is disabled
        • -f option on the CLI
      • Expire
        • No default value
        • Expiration date of the user
        • -e option on the CLI
      • Shell
        • Default shell for a user
        • -s option on the CLI
      • Skeleton directory
        • Which skeleton directory has its contents copied into the new user's home directory
        • -k option on the CLI
      • Create mail spool
        • Where to place incoming mail
  • usermod
    • Modify a user
    • Some commands fail while the user is logged in
    • Some commands don't apply until the next time a user logs in
  • userdel
    • Delete a user
  • /etc/login.defs
    • More user defaults
  • passwd
    • Set a password for a user
  • chage
    • Used to manage password aging info in /etc/shadow

Ownership and permissions

  • Users own files they create by default
  • Ownership is determined by the UID and GID associated with a file
    • Changing either of these cam orphan a file
  • newgrp
    • Change your current primary group
    • Useful when you want to create a file that should belong to a different group than your current primary group
  • chgrp
    • Change the group owner of an existing file
    • Without admin privileges a user can only change the group to one they belong to
  • chown
    • Change user ownership of files and directories
    • Can only be used to change user ownership by the root user
    • Can also change group ownership

Permission groups

  • [-]rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4135 May 27 21:08 /etc/passwd
    • Type of file:
      • -
        • Regular file
        • May be empty or contain text or binary data
      • -d
        • Directory
      • l
        • Symbolic link
        • Pointer to another file
      • b
        • Block file
        • Relates to a block hardware device
        • Data is read in blocks of data
      • c
        • Character file
        • Relates to a character hardware device
        • Data is read one byte at a time
      • p
        • Pipe file
        • Similar to the pipe symbol
        • Allows the output of one process to communicate to another process through the file
      • s
        • Socket file
        • Allows two processes to communicate
  • -[rw-]r--r-- 1 root root 4135 May 27 21:08 /etc/passwd
    • User owner
    • If you are the owner then only the owner permissions are used to determine access
  • -rw-[r--]r-- 1 root root 4135 May 27 21:08 /etc/passwd
    • Group owner
  • -rw-r--[r--] 1 root root 4135 May 27 21:08 /etc/passwd
    • Other permissions ("world's permissions")
    • Permissions for anyone that is not the file owner or a member of the file's group

Permission types

  • Read
  • Write
  • Execute

Numeric permission setting

  • Based on the octal numbering system
  • Each permission is assigned a numeric value
    • Read --> 4
    • Write --> 2
    • Execute --> 1
  • Combination of numbers from 0 to 7 are used to set permissions
    • 7 --> rwx
    • 6 --> rw-
    • 5 --> r-x
    • 4 --> r--
    • 3 --> -wx
    • 2 --> -w-
    • 1 --> --x
    • 0 --> ---
  • stat
    • Shows permissions in both symbolic and numeric methods
  • umask
    • Determines default permissions set when a file or directory is created
    • The umask value is subtracted from the maximum allowable default permissions
    • Maximum default value permissions:
      • Files --> rw-rw-rw-
      • Directories --> rwxrwxrwx

Special directories and files

  • setuid
    • Allows users to run an executable with permissions of the file owner vs the user running the executable
    • Add/subtract 4000 when using chmod to adjust permissions
  • setgid
    • Used to make sure files/directories can inherit the group ID of their parent
  • Sticky bit
    • Used to prevent users from deleting files they don't own in a shared directory
    • Add/subtract 1000 when using chmod to adjust permissions
  • Hard links are two files that point to the same inode
    • Use find -inum to find where files to an inode are
    • Don't break if one of the links is deleted
    • Can't be linked to directories
  • Symbolic links are files that point to another file
    • Easier to see where they link to
    • Break if the original file is deleted
    • Can be linked to directories
  • ln
    • Used to create hard links
    • -s creates symbolic links
